Service, quality & fit above all else.
From the beginning, we set out to offer a carefully catered staple of women’s brands, with exceptional fit and quality. But the secret sauce is our unparalleled customer service: real women, answering like real humans (i.e. no script or robotics), patiently helping customers with all their needs, including resolving why that dreaded mailman didn't deliver the package even though you were home waiting for it!
Super simple right? That's why our cherished customers keep coming back.

One day in the fall of 2016, Melanie was attempting to return a few pairs of pants that she had bought for her mom online. The fit was terrible. The quality? Disappointing at best. But worst of all – the customer service was atrocious. Weeks to get a refund. Nobody bothered answering the phone. When she finally got through to someone, they were rude to her, as if it were her fault that the clothes they produced didn’t fit her. Women out there deserve better and Melanie knew she could do better.
And so, Dream Pants was born...